Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Opinion on Assertive Discipline

As a reserve military cop and as "a big guy", I believe I have the ability to assert myself on students to resolve a discipline problem. I could get into some one's face and be like a basic training instructor if the situation demanded it. However, secondary students are not basic trainees. It is my impression (from the description of assertive discipline in the textbook) that the teacher does not act like a drill instructor, but it comes close. I believe when teachers act this way, it gives the "air" in the classroom uncomfortable to learning. If I had to do this to the student, the rest of the classroom time would not be fit for learning, and this feeling would last for several days.
As for putting the offending student's name on the board, that is ridiculous at the secondary level. That is done for elementary students, not secondary students. Putting names on the board should rank up there with wiping students' butts, an absurd act.
I think that classroom management and discipline is going to be my biggest challenge. I know my textbooks suggest ways to handle a situation, to me it seems like theoretical knowledge. I know that classroom management is a class I will be taking next semester, but from past experience I have had little success learning from the assigned instructor.
To whoever, reads this, please give me advice in the comment section.

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